
Showing posts from 2007

This Week in Astrology, Dec. 31-Jan. 6

An earthy Grand Trine offers lots of business opportunities this week, while a volatile Mars-Pluto opposition offers tremendous power waiting to be harnessed. Hear all about this and more, as well as a new listener question, on this week’s show! Click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer 828-658-9073 / 800-461-3569 toll-free Skype address: benjamin.bernstein "Insightful and inspiring … the passion you have for astrology, combined with the thoughtful and compassionate way you share the information, is awesome. It's like therapy and career counseling and someone reading a blueprint of your life all at once!" – Anna B, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, Dec. 24-30

Spiritsong is back for part of the show, and we kept it under an hour this time! This week’s big aspect pattern is a pair of Grand Trines which support business, stability and accomplishment. We also have a powerful new energy of initiation with Mars opposing Jupiter, Ceres going direct, and Venus’ entry into Sagittarius. Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show! Click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology “Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 / 800-461-3569 toll-free Skype address: benjamin.bernstein "Insightful and inspiring … the passion you have for astrology, combined with the thoughtful and compassionate way you share the information, is awesome. It's like therapy and career counseling and someone reading a blueprint of ...

This Week in Astrology, Dec. 17-23

For the first time, I’m joined by my wife and fellow “It’s All Good” astrologer Spiritsong! (She’ll be gracing us with her angelic energy from time to time.) This being our first joint show, we got carried away and ran long – just under 90 minutes – but we’ll strive to keep it closer to an hour in the future. There’s a major stellium going on this week, with four planets (including the recently conjunct Jupiter and Pluto) huddling up in late Sagittarius before spilling over into Capricorn. This makes for conjunctions and sign changes galore, along with Saturn retrograde and three other aspects with strong creative possibilities. Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show! Click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 benjamin@It...

This Week in Astrology, Dec. 10-16

The month’s biggest astrological event – a powerful Jupiter-Pluto conjunction near the Galactic Center – hits this week. We also have two aspect patterns (a Cradle and a T-square) teaming up to focus tremendous energy on Chiron at 12° Aquarius. Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show! Click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, Dec. 3-9

Ready for a super-duper-ultra-mega aspect pattern? How about a Bowl, a Yod and a T-square all joining forces to focus on the Sun like a laser beam?! I’ll tell you how to harness these amazing energies, along with the Sagittarian New Moon and the week’s other juicy astrological energies. Click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, Nov. 26 – Dec. 2

This show begins a new paradigm for This Week in Astrology – longer shows, with a bonus listener chart interpretation at the end of each episode. Plus, I’m continuing to show how the week’s most significant transits and aspect patterns are affecting selected listeners’ charts. Please write and let me know how you like the new format! Creative flow is strong this week (Venus trine Neptune and biquintile Uranus), combined with a potentially productive square between Saturn and the Sun. We also have three very interesting aspect patterns: a Yod, a Golden Yod and a Bowl (or Cradle). Click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced."...

This Week in Astrology, Nov. 19-25

This week’s transits, as they play out in the charts of six different listeners, carry strong relationship themes (partly because Venus is squaring Mars and quincunxing Uranus!). A Full Moon, Uranus stationing direct, and a magical Mercury trine Uranus are also in the air. This show is longer than before, which will now be the norm. Starting with next week’s show, there will be an additional segment in which I answer one listener’s astrological question. If you’d like it to be yours, email it to me! Also, by popular demand, the entire “This Week in Astrology” audio archive – 34 shows, dating back to March 19 – is now available for your listening and learning pleasure at . Click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 b...

This Week in Astrology, Nov. 12-18

No sooner does Mercury finish its retrograde than Mars starts his! Learn how to work with the most aggressive planet when it retreats, and tap into the significant opportunities provided by this week’s Golden Yod, Grand Trine Kite and T-Square. And I continue to welcome chart submissions (date, time and city of birth) at if you’d like yours used on the show! Click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, Nov. 5-11

We introduce a new element to the show this week: discussion of specific transits in listeners’ charts! My hope is that doing this will add a new level of depth and interest to the show. Please email me with your comments, or with your date, time and city of birth if you’d like your chart used as well! This week offers a mixture of financial opportunity and challenge, opportunities for soul-level communication, and new beginnings (New Moon in Scorpio), as well as sign changes for Venus and Mercury. Click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, Oct. 29-Nov. 4

First, please let me apologize for this notice (and the show) going out a day later than usual. I had everything ready on my end, but my hosting service was down for over a day, which prevented me from a more timely posting. Sorry – another Mercury Retrograde story to add to the pile! Speaking of which, Mercury goes direct this week, flashing a green light for all those new projects you may have been delaying. Neptune also goes direct, and a rare and powerful Trapezium -- which can affect both relationships and spirituality -- grows to full strength. Click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weavervil...

This Week in Astrology, Oct. 22-28

Relationship opportunities (as in challenges for growth!) remain strong this week, stimulated by Venus’ opposition to Uranus, the Sun’s movement into soul-diving Scorpio, and Mercury’s retrograde into partner-focused Libra. There’s even a Full Moon to heighten the emotional intensity! Click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, Oct. 15-21

Relationships are a major theme this week – more flowing early in the week, then more challenging as it ends. Some strong energy around business and creativity is also in the air. We also go deeper with the powerful Jupiter-Uranus square we discussed last week, exploring it as part of a 13-1/2 year cycle! Click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, Oct. 8-14

We’ve gone from famine to feast: last week was very quiet, but this week is positively packed with major astrological events! We have Mercury Retrograde starting (relationship-focused this time), the final occurrence of the year’s second-most-important aspect (Jupiter square Uranus), a New Moon in Libra, and Venus’ entry into Virgo and conjunction to Saturn. Talk about making up for a slow week! Click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, Oct. 1-7

“It’s been a quiet week in my hometown of Lake Wobegone…” So says Garrison Keillor on A Prairie Home Companion , and it’s never been more true for this podcast. This the quietest week, astrologically speaking, since this show began -- which is why this show is only about 20 minutes long. Of course, your own life may be saturated with intensity – but that would be because of moving planets aspecting sensitive points in your natal chart, which is beyond the scope of this podcast. (General forecasts are helpful, but they can never substitute for an in-depth consultation with a professional astrologer!) I still have helpful information for you, so do hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 ...

This Week in Astrology, Sept. 24-30

“And the signs, they are a-changin’”…or at least the planets coming into them are! Mercury and Mars change signs this week, bringing new flavors to communication and initiation. And there’s a Full Moon in Aries, asking us to take stock of what we’ve started and what we’re fighting for. Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, Sept. 17-23

What do you call a week with a T-square, two Yods, a Wedge, a planet going retrograde and a Sun sign change? This week! The energies are just too complex to compress into a simple summary, so you’ll have to tune in for all the details. Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, Sept. 10-16

Relationships can breathe (mostly) easier this week, although the New Moon eclipse in Virgo could stimulate housecleaning in all sorts of areas! Several powerful aspect patterns also add complexity to the week. BTW, be sure to check out the Sept. 5 “ Evolutions of Astrology ” podcast, in which host Dena DeCastro interviews me on “Partnership in the Birth Chart!” Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, Sept. 3-9

This week opens with big challenge energy (three major squares on Monday!), giving us one last opportunity to deal with our unresolved relationship (and other) issues before Pluto and Venus throw us a lifeline by doing direct come the weekend. (Just be ready to work with the intense energy of that Grand Cross on Sunday!) Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, Aug. 27- Sept. 2

Two rare and astrologically significant events occur this week: a Full Moon Total Eclipse and Saturn changing signs . Mercury also opposes Uranus, which could lead to a lightning storm of intuitive flashes! Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, August 20-26

The week opens on the challenging side (can you say Grand Cross and Sun conjunct Saturn?), but blossoms with wonderful possibilities for new beginnings (Mars opposite Jupiter), creative inspiration and soul-level relationships (Venus opposite Neptune) as it develops. Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, August 13-19

It’s one of those challenging relationship weeks – expect the tough issues to come up through Wednesday for harmonious solution the rest of the week. (Or you can use all those Venus transits for creative expression instead!) Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, August 6-12

It’s the most astrologically diverse week since this show’s inception, with nine significant aspects! Highlights include the New Moon, two planetary sign changes and Jupiter turning direct. Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, July 30-August 5

It’s an astrologically unique week, with four different aspect patterns weaving a complex web of celestial energies. Themes of working hard to manifest your highest vision, along with abundant optimism and hope, are very much in the air. Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, July 23-29

It’s an astrologically packed week, with five significant planetary events and three aspect patterns! It’s a vibrant mixture of exuberance, divine inspiration, reflection and fruition (highlights include Venus Retrograde, Mercury trine Uranus, and a Full Moon)! Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, July 16-22

The opportunity for personal transformation and empowerment, along with exuberant TGIF energy and inspiration, are highlighted this week. Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology -- Three Shows Posted in Advance

Because I’ll be traveling for two and a half weeks -- and away from my computer – I’m posting the next three editions of “This Week in Astrology” in advance. If you signed up for my e-mail notifications, you should be receiving three show posting notices along with this message. These are in lieu of your normal weekly reminders, so you’ll have to create your own reminder system for the rest of the month! Enjoy the shows -- I'll be back on my regular recording and posting schedule starting on August 4. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology – July 7-13, 2007

Mercury comes out of retrograde this week, easing issues around communication, transportation and more. There’s also a New Moon in Cancer, asking us to make new beginnings around nurturing and healing. Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes . May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology -- July 2-8, 2007

Two “Finger of God” aspect patterns (“Do this or else!”) share a common theme of nurturing and healing this week. The featured attractions are the rare Double Key Yod (“It’s two – two – two yods in one!”) and an inspiring Golden Yod. Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology -- June 25 - July 1, 2007

The year’s biggest transit (Saturn opposing Neptune) makes its farewell bow with a parting gift -- the enhanced power to make your dreams come true! Creativity and relationships are major themes as well, and there's a Full Moon too! Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes. May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology -- June 18-24, 2007

The Summer Solstice heats up the sky this week, and there’s strong support for staying productive. Power issues could also come up, to help you build inner strength by courageously standing up to external opposition. Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes . May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology -- June 11-17, 2007

Mercury Retrograde is this week's headliner, yet there's still lots of wonderful energy in the air for new beginnings. So get your new ventures in gear before Mercury goes into reverse Friday evening! Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes . May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology -- June 4-10, 2007

Want to manifest something new and wonderful into your reality? It's a great week for it, with support from numerous powerful aspect patterns! Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes . May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology -- May 28-June 3, 2007

Opportunities for relationship improvement and creative empowerment go hand in hand this week, and a rare "Trapeze" configuration provides self-starters with opportunities for new beginnings. Emotional intensity is also strong, thanks in part to Thursday's Full Moon. Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes . May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology -- May 21-27, 2007

The Muses are singing loud and clear this week, with creative inspiration abounding! Intuitive insights into relationships are also yours for the receiving. Hear all about it, and much more, on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes . May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology -- May 14-20, 2007

It's a week of new beginnings , with Mars entering Aries and a New Moon in Taurus. And don't be surprised if some exciting new insights flash into your brain this weekend! Hear all about this and much more on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes . May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology -- May 7-13, 2007

It could be a volatile week , with Jupiter square Uranus and Mars square Pluto! The power of manifestation is also amplified , with the Sun T-squaring Neptune and Saturn. Hear all about this and much more on this week’s show – click here to listen, or go to to learn how to get the show through iTunes . All past episodes are now online at -- you never know when you’ll want to find out what transits were active when a significant event occurred. Enjoy! May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

This Week in Astrology, week of 4/30/07

Keeping clarity in relationships so that you can positively transform them is a major theme this week. The Scorpio Full Moon brings intensity and passion, and two major aspect patterns bring both challenge and opportunity. Hear all about it on this week’s show – click here to listen , or go to to learn how you can now get this podcast through iTunes! May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 Host of the This Week in Astrology podcast. Discover how the planets are influencing you and the world -- in 30 minutes or less. No knowledge of astrology required! "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC

The April 23 show is up!

Relationships and creativity are highlighted in the April 23 “This Week in Astrology” -- click here for the show. It's a dynamic week, with two powerful aspect patterns, six Venus aspects (!) and a volatile Mars-Uranus conjunction. Buckle your seat belt and enjoy the show! May the stars light your way, Benjamin Bernstein Holistic Astrologer It's All Good Astrology "Take Charge of Your Destiny" 828-658-9073 Host of the This Week in Astrology podcast. Discover how the planets are influencing you and the world -- in 30 minutes or less. No knowledge of astrology required! "The most detailed, inspiring and reaffirming reading I've ever experienced." – Jonna Rae Bartges, Weaverville, NC