This Week in Astrology 92 -- 12-29-08
This week's astrological headlines include and Saturn turning retrograde and Mercury and Venus changing signs . We also explore a listener's Jupiter Return in Part 1, explore the meaning of Thor's Hammer , pose a question to you about a major news event, and feature another fascinating Part 3 consultation recorded live ! Hear all about this and more -- click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (We love it when you subscribe through iTunes!) This week's index: Overview: 1:27 Monday: 2:04 Tuesday: 3:00 Wednesday: 4:00 Thursday: 10:05 Friday: 11:14 Saturday: 11:40 Sunday: 13:17 Listener Chart: 17:38 Part 2 (Listener Questions & Comments, plus World News): 24:04 Part 3 (Listener Chart of the Week): 39:27 Subscribe to the FREE It's All Good Astrology News , featuring Benjamin's monthly forecast, enlightening astrology articles, and much more ! Join the free This Week in Astrology discussi...