This Week in Astrology #122 -- 7-27-09
Venus is a busy lady this week: she trines the Three Aquarians (Neptune, Chiron & Jupiter), squares Uranus, enters Cancer and opposes Pluto! (Do you think maybe this will trigger some relationship issues?) Mercury is running a close second, opposing the Three Aquarians, quincunxing Pluto and entering Virgo. (Better make sure your clear is communication! ;-) ) Part 2 features listeners reporting in on the effects (flowing and challenging) of the Three Aquarians on their Suns, how to see Michael Jackson interpreted medievally, an update on Spiritsong, feedback from three listeners on the show and a report from our loyal listener Larry on his seemingly endless Eclipse Day challenges (guaranteed to make you smile!). In Part 3, I give the astrological reasoning for why a listener just went through a frightening period of "immense sadness," and give her some pointers on how she can avoid a recurrence. Finally, we have a Leo-flavored song ("New Day") in its entire...