
Showing posts from March, 2012

This Week in Astrology, Episode 257, 4/2/12

Mercury Retrograde ends * 2 for 1 Promotion Ends Monday night! * Libra Full Moon * T-square & Golden Yod peak * Jupiter quintile Neptune * And more! Click here to listen now! Mercury turns direct , opening a brief "starter" window until this week's Full Moon in Libra . A potent Venus-Mars-Neptune T-square peaks, as does a magical Golden Yod . And a Jupiter-Neptune quintile makes for even more magic! In our Live Listener Consultation , we use Catherine's natal chart and multiple movement systems to answer her burning question: how can she determine her career and life purpose in the midst of all the craziness in her life? My  2 for 1 Special  ends this Monday at 11:11 pm eastern -- act now!  I'll double the amount of full-rate session time you purchase for astrology or shamanic healing! Take up to three years to do the sessions yourself, or give them to others. I'll be using the proceeds to help pay for my month-long shamanic immersion trip to Per...

This Week in Astrology, Episode 256, 3/26/2012

Sun square Pluto * 4 quincunxes, including Mars-Uranus * 2 for 1 Promotion Final Week! * Mars-Venus-Neptune T-square * And more! Click here to listen now! What is it, Quincunx Week ? There are four significant ones , including a volatile Mars-Uranus pairing. But they all call for potentially significant adjustments, including Sun-Mars , Mercury-Saturn and Venus-Saturn . Add an intense Sun-Pluto square and the start of a two-week Mars-Venus-Neptune T-square , and there's a lot to pay attention to! We catch up on listener emails -- topics include reconsideration of a Sabian Symbol, how to work with a Thor's Hammer aspect pattern, and making the best of a triple-hit Second Saturn Return ! Our interview with talented young astrologer Ari Moshe Wolfe focuses on some of the unique qualities of Evolutionary Astrology , as well as his fresh take on the intensifying Uranus-Pluto square . This is the last full week of my  2 for 1 Special -- I'll double the amount o...

This Week in Astrology, Episode 255, 3/19/12

Free Consultation Winners! * Spring Equinox * NEW 2 for 1 Promotion on Sessions with Benjamin! * Aries New Moon * Mars-Chiron opposition * And more! Click here to listen now! I announce  two winners of a free consultation with me or Spiritsong.  Is one of them you? The Sun's entry into Aries -- a/k/a the Spring Equinox -- heralds new beginnings, as does the Aries New Moon. (Although you might want to think twice about kicking off new projects, with Mercury and Mars still retrograde.) A Mars-Chiron opposition invites healing and mentoring opportunities, while a Sun-Uranus conjunction calls us to serve the greater good with our unique abilities! We examine the Spring Equinox chart 's core messages for the next three months on both a societal and individual level, and also look at how the Spring Equinox transits impact the USA natal chart . I'm kicking off a new 2 for 1 Special -- I'll double the amount of session time you purchase! Take up to three years to...

This Week in Astrology, Episode 254, 3/12/12

Mercury Retrograde * Raffle Ending With Even MORE Great Prizes! * Lucky Grand Trine * Mercury-Uranus conjunction * And more! Click here to listen now! Mercury turns retrograd e this week, and also conjuncts Uranus . A powerful and lucky Grand Trine peaks, involving Pluto, Jupiter, Mars and Venus. And a Golden Triangle peaks and completes, while a Wedge  lasting nearly three months begins! Our Part 1 Listener Chart  looks at how Jorge can work with this week's Grand Trine focusing on his natal Mars! LAST CALL FOR RAFFLE TICKETS, and we just added three more two-hour consultations from Benjamin! We're awarding thousands of dollars worth of sessions -- 21 in all -- with 12 top-drawer practitioners!  The Grand Prize is worth $890 , and you can buy tickets for as little as $6.67 each. Deadline: this Wed., March 14 at Noon eastern time. For details, click here ! Online Beginning Astrology Class   has started, but  you can still join  before the second c...

This Week in Astrology, Episode 253, 3/5/12

Virgo Full Moon * More Raffle Prizes! * Golden Triangle * Live Listener Consultation * Mercury-Uranus conjunction * And more! Click here to listen now! The Virgo Full Moon outshines everything else this week, while a Golden Triangle aspect pattern works magic with the Sun, Saturn and Pluto. A Mercury-Uranus conjunction empowers intuitive flashes, while several Venus aspects light up the relationship field. Our Live Listener Consultation with Kimberly looks at her career dilemma, and also looks at why she "loves deeply, yet usually unrequitedly." Online Beginning Astrology Class  starts this Tuesday, March 6  --  enroll now or try the first class free ! My awesome raffle just got even more awesome , with two additional astrologers giving away sessions! We're awarding thousands of dollars worth of sessions -- 15 in all -- with 12 top-drawer practitioners!  The Grand Prize is worth $890 , and you can buy tickets for as little as $6.67 each. For d...