This Week in Astrology, Episode 257, 4/2/12
Mercury Retrograde ends * 2 for 1 Promotion Ends Monday night! * Libra Full Moon * T-square & Golden Yod peak * Jupiter quintile Neptune * And more! Click here to listen now! Mercury turns direct , opening a brief "starter" window until this week's Full Moon in Libra . A potent Venus-Mars-Neptune T-square peaks, as does a magical Golden Yod . And a Jupiter-Neptune quintile makes for even more magic! In our Live Listener Consultation , we use Catherine's natal chart and multiple movement systems to answer her burning question: how can she determine her career and life purpose in the midst of all the craziness in her life? My 2 for 1 Special ends this Monday at 11:11 pm eastern -- act now! I'll double the amount of full-rate session time you purchase for astrology or shamanic healing! Take up to three years to do the sessions yourself, or give them to others. I'll be using the proceeds to help pay for my month-long shamanic immersion trip to Per...