
Showing posts from November, 2014

Uranus-Pluto Square #6: December 1-15 Forecast (#387)

Uranus-Pluto square #6 * Live listener consultation * Gemini Full Moon * Saturn-Uranus quincunx * 2 Grand Trines * more! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! The penultimate Uranus-Pluto square — #6 of 7 — is the undisputed headline for the first half of December. What revolutionary transformation can you embrace? Other “skylights” include a Gemini Full Moon , a paradigm-challenging Saturn-Uranus quincunx , and the peaking of two intimately related Grand Trines . My Live Listener Consultation with Shakirah focuses on how she can make the best use of the transiting Uranus-Pluto square lighting up her natal Grand Cross. It consists of the Moon, Venus, Uranus, Neptune and the lunar nodes! I'm co-facilitating Revolutionary Transformation: An Inner Journey from Wounded Heart to Sacred Heart Dec. 12-14 near Asheville, NC. Learn how this transformational workshop can help you -- and how you can save $75 on the workshop for every person you refer . Early bird pricin...

Sagittarius New Moon: November 16-30, 2014 / #386

Sagittarius New Moon * asteroid goddess Grand Trine * Part 1 listener chart * Saturn-Pluto semi-square * more! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! “Skylights” for the second half of November include an uplifting Sagittarius New Moon and an asteroid goddess-focused Grand Trine spotlighting self-esteem and relationships. Eight Mercury events make communication a major theme, and a Saturn-Pluto semi-square invites you to release an outworn part of your personality. Elizabeth is the owner of our Part 1 Listener Chart . I tell her how to make the best use of the Sagittarius New Moon and transiting Saturn conjoining her natal Moon! I'm co-facilitating Revolutionary Transformation: An Inner Journey from Wounded Heart to Sacred Heart Dec. 12-14 near Asheville, NC. Learn how this transformational workshop can help you -- and how you can save $75 on the workshop for every person you refer! Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to ThisW...

November 1-15, #385: Sensuality/Volatility

Renn Butler interview, Part 2! * Mars fires up Uranus-Pluto square * Taurus Full Moon * Yod highlights partnerships * more! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! The two top “skylights” for the first half of November are radically different. The Taurus Full Moon glows with a grounded vibe of sensuality, healing and transformation. But Mars’ close encounter with the Uranus-Pluto square sizzles with volatility, electricity and revolutionary transformation! All the personal planets have abundant interaction with slower planets, and a Yod calls for adjustments in committed partnerships. Read on to learn more! Renn Butler , whom I interviewed a month ago, is back with more fascinating insights! This time we focus mostly on how to benefit from specific planetary pairings , as described in his new book Pathways to Wholeness: Archetypal Astrology and the Transpersonal Journey . I'm co-facilitating Revolutionary Transformation: An Inner Journey from Wounded Heart to...