
Showing posts from 2017

December 16-31 2017: Intense Winter Solstice Chart! (#460)

Intense Winter Solstice Chart * Saturn Enters Capricorn * Mercury Direct * Sagittarius New Moon * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! A Winter Solstice chart brimming with both challenge and opportunity highlights the second half of December. Saturn’s entry into Capricorn is another major event with far-reaching effects. Also up: Mercury turning direct , a Sagittarius New Moon , and much more! Watch my free 2018 full-year forecast video! 33% off gift certificates for a limited time! Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (I love it when you subscribe through iTunes!) Overview: 1:32 12/16: 2:04 12/17: 2:46 12/18: 2:49 12/19: 7:42 12/20: 9:24 12/21: 11:37 12/22: 17:32 12/23: 19:08 12/24: 19:11 12/25: 19:34 12/26: 20:14 12/27: 20:17 12/28: 20:57 12/29: 21:19 12/30: 21:19 12/31:21:...

December 1-15 2017: Shout it Out! (#459)

3 Grand Trines support enthusiastic self-expression! *  Mercury retrograde * Free Session Winner * Year-long Jupiter-Neptune Trine * Gemini Full Moon * Listener Chart * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! Shout it out in the first half of December as three related Grand Trines support your enthusiastic self-expression! We also have Mercury turning retrograde , a year-long Jupiter-Neptune trine , a Gemini Full Moon and much more! I look at the year-long effects of the Jupiter-Neptune trine in our listener chart . It lights up Tina's natal Grand Cross: Scorpio Sun, Chiron and the lunar nodes! I also talk about consciously partnering with the planets using Shamanic Astrology. 33% off gift certificates for a limited time! Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (I love it when you subscribe through iTune...

November 16-30 2017 — Mystery Dive: Scorpio New Moon (#458)

Mysterious Scorpio New Moon * Neptune Direct * Listener Chart * Mars/Outer Planet T-squares * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! The cosmos invites you to dive into the mysterious under a Scorpio New Moon . Other highlights for the second half of November include the Sun entering Sagittarius , Neptune turning direct , and Venus aspecting all four outer planets. There can also be intense challenge – and opportunity – as Mars forms two T-squares with outer planets! Neptune's direct station is featured in our Part 1 Listener Chart. Hear how Holly can best use its energy as it stimulates her natal T-square featuring the lunar nodes, Saturn and Mars! I'm running 3 promotions at the same time in November: 33% off gift certificates, free bonus time, and a 1 in 10 chance for a full refund of your session fee. Learn more in "What's New"! Hear all about this and more by clicking the...

November 1-15 2017 — Emotional Healing: Saturn Square Chiron (#457)

Saturn-Chiron Square * My Twin Flame Synastry * Saturn-Uranus Trine * Free Sessions in November * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! Two major Saturn aspects highlight the first half of November. A Saturn-Chiron square powerfully supports the deep shadow work that can lead to lasting emotional healing . And a Saturn-Uranus trine invites your ego to productively follow where your intuition leads . We also have a Taurus Full Moon , a Pluto-Juno conjunction, Uranus opposing Vesta, and much more! Our special feature is a joint appearance with me and my recently discovered twin flame Maeikisala . She's my live-in girlfriend, shamanic partner and apprentice, and so much more! We discuss how our blossoming multidimensional partnership correlates with our synastry (relationship astrology). Finally, would you like your November AstroShaman session to be FREE? You have a 1 in 10 chance. Learn more! Hea...

October 16-31 2017: Uranus Rocks the Libra New Moon! (#456)

Uranus Rocks Libra New Moon * Harvey Weinstein Sex Scandal * Triple Thor’s Hammer * Listener Chart * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! Uranus rocks a Libra New Moon in the second half of October, firing up quick-change energy for new beginnings . Other highlights include a rare and intense Triple Thor’s Hammer , an aspect pattern with two “Fingers of God,” and much more! Our Part One Listener Chart , features Samantha, whose natal Mars is lit up by the Libra Full Moon (and its opposition from transiting Uranus!) I also take a brief look at the chart of disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein . His horoscope vividly shows what fueled both his rise to power and his alleged serial sexual abuse. Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (I love it when you subscribe through iTunes!) Overview: ...

October 1-15 2017: Jupiter Enters Scorpio (#455)

Jupiter Enters Mysterious Scorpio * Fiery Aries Full Moon * Free Session Winner * Relationship Healing * Listener Chart * Uranus/Neptune Supports Accelerated Spiritual Awakening * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! Jupiter entering mysterious Scorpio and a fiery Aries Full Moon  highlight the first half of October. Relationship healing is supported by loads of aspects and aspect patterns. And Uranus and Neptune formalize a three-year agreement to support your accelerated spiritual awakening!  In our Part One Listener Chart , Candida's Mars is lit up by a T-square featuring Pluto, Uranus, Mercury and the Sun. I tell her some life-affirming uses for this strong stimulation! Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (I love it when you subscribe through iTunes!) Overview: 1:21 10/1: 2:00...

September 16-30 2017: Game-Changing Fall Equinox (#454)

Game-Changing Fall Equinox * Virgo New Moon * Jupiter-Uranus Opposition * Part 1 Listener Chart * Pluto Direct * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! A game-changing Fall Equinox , a service-oriented Virgo New Moon and a potent Jupiter-Uranus opposition headline the second half of September. We’ll also be looking at Pluto turning direct and plenty of powerful aspect patterns! In our Part One Listener Chart , the transiting Jupiter-Uranus opposition lands smack on top of Nancy's Sun … as well as her double-angle ruling Jupiter! Her lunar nodes and Mercury – also a double-angle ruler – are also energized. Learn how she can spin gold from one of 2017's most powerful aspects! Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (I love it when you subscribe through iTunes!) Overview: 1:20 9/16: 1:55 9/17: 4...

September 1-15 2017: Pisces Full Moon (#453)

Pisces Full Moon * Mercury Direct * Free Session Winner * 8 aspect patterns * Listener Chart * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! A spiritually resplendent Pisces Full Moon  and the end of Mercury retrograde highlight the first half of September. We also have eight aspect patterns starting and/or peaking – seven of which are challenging – and much more! The Pisces Full Moon lands right on the Venus of Elizabeth, our Part 1 chart owner. I explain the many meanings of Venus in her chart, and how to optimize the Full Moon energies. Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (I love it when you subscribe through iTunes!) Overview: 1:23 9/1: 1:57 9/2: 2:14 9/3: 3:10 9/4: 4:31 9/5: 4:49 9/6: 8:46 9/7: 1:32 9/8: 13:32 9/9: 14:15 9/10: 15:28 9/11: 15:31 9/12: 15:50 9/13: 17:56 9/14: 18:...

August 16-31 2017: Great American Solar Eclipse! (#452)

Great American Solar Eclipse! * Saturn Direct * Listener Chart * Jupiter-Saturn Sextile * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! The highly anticipated Great American Solar Eclipse is the undisputed highlight for the second half of August. We also have Saturn turning direct , a harmonious Jupiter-Saturn sextile , the Sun entering Virgo … and a boatload of aspect patterns! The eclipse conjoins five natal planets (!) in our Part 1 Listener Chart . Elisabeth-Anne's chart has a super-tight Grand Stellium made up of the Sun, Pluto, Mars, Venus and Vesta ... all within 3 degrees, and all receiving a direct hit from the eclipse! I give Elisabeth-Anne some tips on taking this intense energy to the high side. Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (I love it when you subscribe through iTunes!) Overview: 1:01 8/1...

August 1-15 2017: Lunar Eclipse, Mercury Retrograde! (#451)

Aquarius Lunar Eclipse * Mercury Retrograde * Free Session Winner! * Jupiter-Pluto Square * Listener Chart * High-Octane Aspect Patterns * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! A powerful Aquarius lunar eclipse highlights the first half of August. We also have Mercury turning retrograde , a potent Jupiter-Pluto square , and a cornucopia of high-octane aspect patterns loaded with opportunities! Our Part 1 Listener Chart features Danielle. The Aquarius lunar eclipse lights up her natal T-square containing her Sun, Moon, Pluto and Ceres. I advise her on the best use of this powerful stimulation! Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (I love it when you subscribe through iTunes!) Overview: 1:32 8/1: 2:07 8/2: 2:07 8/3: 2:11 8/4: 5:18 8/5: 6:38 8/6: 7:06 8/7: 7:47 8/8: 11:31 8/9: 12:45 8/10: 13:29...

July 16-31 2017: Fiery Leo New Moon! (#450)

Fiery Leo New Moon * 11 aspect patterns! * Part 1 Listener Chart * Free Eclipse Chart Check * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! A New Moon in Leo , along with a Sun-Mars conjunction squaring Uranus , kindle plenty of fire in the second half of July. Throw in 11 aspect patterns – T squares, Grand Trines, Kites and more – and we have a very intense and busy half-month! Our Part 1 Listener Chart features Michele. The Leo New Moon lands smack on her Venus, Mars and Midheaven. This fiery lunation makes hard aspects to all four of her angles! I advise her on the best use of this New Moon, and explain how the "Law of Three" applies so strongly in this interpretation. Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (I love it when you subscribe through iTunes!) Overview: 1:32 7/16: 1:59 7/17: 2:40 7/18: 3:54...

July 1-15 2017: Chiron Healing (#449)

Chiron retrograde * Capricorn Full Moon*  Free Session Winner * Jupiter-Neptune quincunx * Listener Chart * 5 types of aspect patterns * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! Chiron turning retrograde is one of several events in July’s first half that spotlight the wounded healer’s ability to bring wholeness where it hurts. You can also take advantage of a Capricorn Full Moon , a Jupiter-Neptune quincunx , and five different types of aspect patterns! A high-powered Mars-Pluto opposition , and the T-square it's part of, are lining up on Marilee's natal Venus. In our Part 1 Listener Chart , I tell her how to make the best use of this challenging alignment! Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (I love it when you subscribe through iTunes!) Overview: 1:43 7/1: 2:18 7/2: 4:36 7/3: 6:07 7/4: 7:11 7/...

June 16-30 2017: T-square Intensity! (#448)

So Many T-squares! * Hellenistic Astrology Interview w/ Chris Brennan * Neptune Retrograde * Summer Solstice Chart * Cancer New Moon * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! The second half of June features serious intensity with a boatload of T-squares based on the Saturn-Chiron square and Jupiter-Pluto square . We also have Neptune going retrograde , the Summer Solstice , a Cancer New Moon and much more! Special feature! I interview astrologer Chris Brennan , author of the new magnum opus Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune . Apparently, this is the most definitive and comprehensive book on Hellenistic Astrology ever published.  Chris and I spend a juicy hour diving into how Hellenistic Astrology laid the foundation for modern astrology, and how some of its newly rediscovered techniques can enhance a modern astrologer's practice! Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or ...

June 1-15 2017: Triple Yod! (#447)

Triple Yod! * USA & Trump Astrologized * Jupiter Direct * Free Session Winner * Sagittarius Full Moon * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! A rare Triple Yod brings intensity and adjustment opportunities to the first half of June. We also have Jupiter turning direct , a Sagittarius Full Moon , three T-squares based on the potent Saturn-Chiron square, and much more! I explore the charts of the USA and Donald Trump during my special feature. We look at Trump's natal chart, and key transits and progressions affecting both charts. I also announce June's free session winner! Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (I love it when you subscribe through iTunes!) Overview: 1:28 6/1: 2:22 6/2: 2:42 6/3: 4:50 6/4: 5:40 6/5: 9:45 6/6: 10:20 6/7: 12:04 6/8: 12:08 6/9: 13:06 6/10: 16:20 6/11: 17:12 ...

May 16-31 2017: Saturn-Chiron Aspect Patterns (#446)

Saturn-Chiron square in T-square and Thor’s Hammer * Listener Chart * Jupiter-Neptune quincunx * Saturn-Uranus trine *  Gemini New Moon * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! Two aspect patterns that incorporate a challenging Saturn-Chiron square highlight the second half of May: a T-square with Mars and a Thor’s Hammer with Vesta . The most significant standalone aspects include a Jupiter-Neptune quincunx and a Saturn-Uranus trine . This dynamic half-month also includes a Gemini New Moon , a “Finger of God”, Mars aspecting three slower planets, and much more! Our Part 1 Listener Chart features ladygael391. A transiting T-square with Mars, Saturn and Chiron is lining up on her natal Mars. I cover a broad spectrum of life-affirming possibilities she can reap from this potent stimulation! Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the sh...

May 1-15 2017: Cradled Scorpio Full Moon (#445)

Cradled Scorpio Full Moon * Mercury Direct * Free Session Winner! * Mars-Neptune square * Part 1 Listener Chart * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! REPOSTING TO DISPLAY ON ITUNES A Scorpio Full Moon , its opportunities amplified by a flowing Cradle aspect pattern , highlights the first half of May. We also have Mercury turning direct, three additional aspect patterns, a Mars-Neptune square that can help integrate spiritual energy into physical action, and more! Our Part 1 Listener Chart features Katherine. A powerful Thor's Hammer is lighting up her natal Mars. I lay out a broad range of life-affirming ways she can use this transiting aspect pattern! Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (I love it when you subscribe through iTunes!) Overview: 1:33 5/1: 2:27 5/2: 2:44 5/3: 2:47 5/4: 4:30 5/5: 5:05 5/6: ...
Cradled Scorpio Full Moon * Mercury Direct * Free Session Winner! * Mars-Neptune square * Part 1 Listener Chart * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now -- free! A Scorpio Full Moon , its opportunities amplified by a flowing Cradle aspect pattern , highlights the first half of May. We also have Mercury turning direct, three additional aspect patterns, a Mars-Neptune square that can help integrate spiritual energy into physical action, and more! Our Part 1 Listener Chart features Katherine. A powerful Thor's Hammer is lighting up her natal Mars. I lay out a broad range of life-affirming ways she can use this transiting aspect pattern! Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (I love it when you subscribe through iTunes!) Overview: 1:33 5/1: 2:27 5/2: 2:44 5/3: 2:47 5/4: 4:30 5/5: 5:05 5/6: 6:22 5/7: 6:22 5/8: 6:22 5...