Call In This Wednesday Night, Ask Benjamin an Astrology Question "On the Air"!

AspireNow logoThis is a between-shows heads-up for "This Week in Astrology" listeners: I'll be making my second guest appearance on Scott Andrew's AspireNow show this Wednesday, Jan. 30, 9-10 p.m. US Eastern time. We'll be discussing astrology and taking live callers. If there's an astrological question on your mind -- general or personal -- please give us a ring!

The show is an interesting hybrid -- the live portion is a telephone conference call, after which the recording becomes available on the internet. You can listen in, call with a question, or send a text message. (You can hear the MP3 of my Jan. 2 appearance on the show by going to

Here's how to call in:

1. Dial (724) 444-7444
2. Enter 37792 #
(Talkcast Show ID)
3. Enter: 1 # or your Talkshoe PIN

Also, if you want to be able to participate in the text messaging during the show, download the Talkshoe player at, then login through the show at id 37792 through Talkshoe at 9 pm eastern time.

1. Become a TalkShoe member
2. Download and install TalkShoe Live client
3. Click here to join the Talkcast

May the stars light your way,

Benjamin Bernstein

Holistic Astrologer
It's All Good Astrology
"Take Charge of Your Destiny"
828-658-9073 / 800-461-3569 toll-free
Skype address: benjamin.bernstein

Host of This Week in Astrology -- the #1 astrology podcast on iTunes! Discover how to make the best use of the current planetary energies as you deepen your knowledge of astrology!

"Insightful and inspiring … the passion you have for astrology, combined with the thoughtful and compassionate way you share the information, is awesome. It's like therapy and career counseling and someone reading a blueprint of your life all at once!" – Anna B, Weaverville, NC


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