This Week in Astrology 104 -- 3-23-09
An Aries New Moon provides strong kick-start energy this week. Other notable sky events include Mercury's entry into Aries , the Sun and Mercury both squaring Pluto , and the same two planets conjuncting retrograde Venus! Part 2 features a broad variety of intriguing topics, including one listener's ultra-challenging Full Moon experiences , a precise dissection of why last Saturday was such a hoot (for one listener at least), and astrology and past lives . Plus, we announce the winner of our one-hour astrology consultation giveaway! Our live Part 3 consultation features an 18-year old who has made a miraculous recovery from life-threatening injuries -- after nearly dying twice in one week. (You might survive the traffic accident, but watch out for those hospital infections!) Plus, you might learn a thing or two about working with skeptics, since he doesn't believe in astrology! H ear all about this and more -- click here to listen, or go to ...