This Week in Astrology #115 -- 6-8-09

The Three Aquarians (Neptune, Chiron & Jupiter, all at 26 degrees Aquarius) continue to hog the headlines: this week they receive a square from Mercury and magical quintiles from Mars and Venus. We also discuss a Venus-Pluto trine, Mercury's entry into Gemini, and a semi-sextile between Uranus and Neptune -- which will last almost two years! (There's also a lively discussion between Benjamin and guest co-host Spiritsong about how a semi-sextile should be interpreted.)

Part 2 includes a wide range of topics this week, including an announcement about how to win free consultations from Spiritsong, listener theories about the astrology behind the recent spate of family shootings, interpreting the nodes, and a long and enlightening listener email on the meaning and mythology of Chiron.

Finally, this week's much-anticipated Part 3 is the conclusion of Spiritsong and Benjamin's in-depth discussion of the astrology behind their decision to end their marriage.

Hear all about this and more -- click here to listen, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (We love it when you subscribe through iTunes!)

This week's index:

Overview: 3:08
Monday: 4:15
Tuesday: 6:25
Wednesday: 15:58
Thursday: 17:08
Friday: 19:19

Saturday: 19:47
Sunday: 22:49

Next Week's Transits: 24:27
Part 1 Listener Chart: 26:54
Part 2 (Listener Questions & Comments, Plus Announcements): 37:58
Part 3 (Spiritsong and Benjamin analyze the astrology behind the ending of their marriage, Part 2 of 2): 75:24

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May the stars light your way,

Benjamin Bernstein
Holistic Astrologer

828-658-9073 / 800-461-3569 toll-free

“Your reading put me back in the game. You offered meaning and hope and practical reasons and steps to take...What a relief you are!”
– Laura Frisbie, Asheville, NC

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