This Week in Astrology #331, 9/30/13: Vesta Blest
Vesta Cradle * Libra New Moon * Part 1 Listener Chart * Sun-Uranus-Pluto T-square peaks * More! Listen to This Week in Astrology now A Cradle aspect pattern featuring the asteroid goddess Vesta highlights devotion to a higher cause, sacred sexuality and enlightenment . A Libra New Moon in the heart of a Sun-Uranus-Pluto T-square calls for revolutionary transformation in relationships and creative expression . Saturn quincunx Uranus can provide intuitive guidance for structural adjustments . And those are just the highlights of a packed astrological week! Our Part 1 Listener Chart shows how Channing can exploit this week's peaking Sun-Uranus-Pluto T-square, which lines up on her natal Mercury! Act by this Tuesday to save 40% off my usual rates ! Prepay a session by this Tuesday, Oct. 1 , then use your credit anytime thru 2014. This special is also good for gift certificates : do some early holiday shopping! Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link ab...