This Week in Astrology #328, 9/9/13: Flashes of Brilliance
New Grand Cross, Yod, T-squares * Rafael Nasser on Noetic Astrology * Mars aspects 4 outer planets * Mercury aspects 3 outers * More!
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Actions may speak louder than words, but there’s plenty of support for both this week!
“Just do it” Mars makes four mostly challenging aspects to outer planets and helps form a “Finger of God.” And mental Mercury is poised for flashes of brilliance with aspects to three outer planets, as well as involvement in three potent aspect patterns.
Venus also makes an appearance, entering Scorpio and trining Neptune.
We begin a two-part interview with astrologer Rafael Nasser on Noetic Astrology. He lays out a compelling case that human beings created the meanings of the planets and constellations -- and continue to do so!
Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (We love it when you subscribe through iTunes!)
Overview: 1:54
Monday: 3:57
Tuesday: 5:19
Wednesday: 7:52
Thursday: 11:01
Friday: 11:17
Saturday: 14:56
Sunday: 16:43
Next Week's Aspects: 18:42
Announcements: 20:17
Astrologer Interview w/ Rafael Nasser on Noetic Astrology, Pt. 1 of 2: 26:02
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May the stars light your way,
Benjamin Bernstein
Astrologer/Shamanic Healer
Contact me
"You got right to the heart of what I’m dealing with, and gave me such wonderful tools to work with all the craziness in my life right now. Very empowering!"
-- Janet Edwards, Chattanooga, TN
Listen to This Week in Astrology now
“Just do it” Mars makes four mostly challenging aspects to outer planets and helps form a “Finger of God.” And mental Mercury is poised for flashes of brilliance with aspects to three outer planets, as well as involvement in three potent aspect patterns.
Venus also makes an appearance, entering Scorpio and trining Neptune.
We begin a two-part interview with astrologer Rafael Nasser on Noetic Astrology. He lays out a compelling case that human beings created the meanings of the planets and constellations -- and continue to do so!
Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (We love it when you subscribe through iTunes!)
Overview: 1:54
Monday: 3:57
Tuesday: 5:19
Wednesday: 7:52
Thursday: 11:01
Friday: 11:17
Saturday: 14:56
Sunday: 16:43
Next Week's Aspects: 18:42
Announcements: 20:17
Astrologer Interview w/ Rafael Nasser on Noetic Astrology, Pt. 1 of 2: 26:02
Hear This Week in Astrology on smartphones and tablets with Stitcher!
Subscribe to the FREE AstroShaman News. It features my weekly forecast, enlightening articles on astrology and spirituality, and much more!
Try my Shamanic Healing Services -- just as powerful long-distance as local!
Visit our FREE show archive -- an astrological education awaits you!
May the stars light your way,
Benjamin Bernstein
Astrologer/Shamanic Healer
Contact me
"You got right to the heart of what I’m dealing with, and gave me such wonderful tools to work with all the craziness in my life right now. Very empowering!"
-- Janet Edwards, Chattanooga, TN