June 16-30 2019: Neptune Power! (#496)

Neptune squares Jupiter, sextiles Saturn and turns retrograde! * Potent Summer Solstice Chart * My amazing business transits analyzed * Sagittarius Full Moon * 3-Question Survey w/ free session giveaway* More!

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Neptune is the undisputed star of this forecast. A Jupiter-Neptune square and a Saturn-Neptune sextiletwo of 2019’s most important aspects — are exact in the second half of June. As if that wasn’t enough, Neptune also turns retrograde!

But that isn’t all. We also have a potent Summer Solstice Chart, a Sagittarius Full Moon, Mercury and Mars teaming up to oppose Pluto, and more. Learn how to harness all this astrological power for your highest good!


For our special feature, I analyze the amazing, once-in-a-lifetime business transits I'm currently experiencing. It's a perfect storm of breakthrough opportunity for the next several years.

For starters, I have transiting Pluto conduct my midheaven ruler and Uranus conduct my midheaven – at the same time! I break it all down step by step, and link to two PDFs in the index below so you can see what I'm talking about. You can use this technique to scrutinize your own personal transits for any important theme!


I also announce a simple three-question survey. Respond by the end of June for a chance to win a free 90-minute Astrology+ session with me – a $270 value!

Here are the survey questions:

1. What one thing do you like MOST about This Week in Astrology?

2. What one thing do you like LEAST about 
This Week in Astrology?

3. If you could CHANGE ONE THING about 
This Week in Astrology, what would it be?

Email your answers to me by June 30 for chance to win that free 90-minute Astrology+ session! :-)

Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to ThisWeekInAstrology.com to learn about getting the show through iTunes.
  • Overview: 1:32
  • 6/16: 2:17
  • 6/17: 5:42
  • 6/18: 8:16
  • 6/19: 11:08
  • 6/21:12:33
  • 6/22: 16:01
  • 6/23: 16:11
  • 6/24: 18:51
  • 6/27: 19:55
  • 6/28: 20:49
  • Next show's highlights: 21:45
  • My amazing business transits analyzed: 29:28
                 Transit biwheel
                 Career transits spreadsheet
  • Index: 52:53
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May the stars light your way,

Benjamin Bernstein

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"Benjamin displayed deep expertise and limitless compassion. I consider our session a turning point in my life ... I am provided with a lasting sense of peace and purpose that will remain and grow with me forever."

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